The Territory Ballroom purposely staged their Grand Opening in 2022 around one of their favorite annual events...The Kentucky Derby!

The "Derby" is unlike any other sporting event! With a crowd of more than 150,000 people, unparalleled history and tradition and its unique spectacle, the Kentucky Derby has been described by Forbes as one of the "Greatest Bucket-list Sporting Events" in America. Every year, on the first Saturday in May, thousands of guests gather under the Twin Spires at Churchill Downs to create lifelong memories with their friends and family.  

While Kentucky is quite a drive from Kansas, we decided to bring the action home for our community to enjoy!  Dressing up isn't required but sure is fun and in our family food and drinks are always center stage!  We've also decided that a dueling piano show is by far the most exciting way to enjoy family and friends which means you better get your tickets now! 

We want you to have the best possible experience at our event, so we've put together some helpful suggestions for you to fully enjoy our Kentucky Derby Anniversary Party! Whether you are a first-time guest or a veteran of many Derbys, we hope this brief guide will help you make the most of your visit.

A grand affair


May 6th, 2023

4:00 pm

open house

5:00 pm

happy hour

5:57 pm

watch the derby

8:30-10:30 pm

fun pianos!

grab your piano show tickets here

have more questions?

call us at 